Best Kona Joe - What Makes Green Gourmet Joe So Amazing?

There are many reasons why Coffee drinkers will always prefer Kona joe than others. Despite its high price, it has not kept them from taking this premium brand of brew. It is made in different ways in order to satisfy people with different tastes. There is the chocolate blend of Kona brew in case you are in love with chocolate flavors. Though more expensive than other brands, it is still highly demanded among java drinkers. Coffee drinkers consider this premium brand of coffee as the best in the world. This is because it is a beverage that is deliciously rich and naturally flavored. One other bonus for this brand is that consumers will not worry about pesticides or chemicals. There is no need for pesticide sprays as the premium joe is in an actual sense free of pests. This brand has maintained its number 1 position and will keep doing so for so many years.

The Hawaiian java you now know as Kona brew was first introduced to Hawaiians in 1828. The man credited with the introduction is this special kind ( of coffee beans is Samuel Ruggles. It was known that the first production of Hawaiian Kona coffee was noticed as early as 1828. Later, it was then called Kona brew after it grew so well in the Kona region of Hawaii. Because of the favorable soil condition in the area, it became the main growing place for Kona coffee. There was a little decline and a slow rate of production of Kona java during World War II. But, its production and consumption improved tremendously as the ravishing war subside. Today, the production and use of Hawaiian Kona java bean have been increasing in geometric ratio. One reason attributed to this increase in its popularity among java drinkers is its richness in flavor. It is not surprising that most brew consumers would rather pay higher than have any other java brand.

The real deal these days is on the growing importance or need to go for organic foods. Health-conscious individuals will always want to consume only foods in natural form. There is also good news for them because organic Hawaiian Kona ( coffee is also available. Kona is also cultivated in a natural way by a lot of farmers in the Kona region of Hawaii. These Hawaiian farmers would rather fertilize their farms with organic fertilizers. The mineral needs of the Coffee farms are filled with recycled joe husks. The by-products from animals are equally utilized to provide enough manure to the farm. Organic fertilizers are preferred because joe trees fare better in them than other sources. So health-minded individuals are not left out in savoring its rich taste. You are definitely going to find the ideal Kona java for you not mind what you want.

The java bean from Hawaii has always had the edge over all other brands of coffee. Only cultivated in the Kona region of Hawaii, it is equally among the most expensive in the world. There is a reason why the Kona region in Hawaii is the most preferred place to grow 100 % Kona joe. The soil topography and the special temperature in the Kona area suit Kona coffee perfectly. Hawaiian Kona coffee beans are usually harvested by hand, ensuring that only the purest seeds are produced. After the harvest, they are prepared by roasting and later preserved in cans for export purposes. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the beans are the only commercially cultivated java bean in the US. This is because the high demand for the java brand has equally led farmers to meet the demand. But most times, commercial farmers don't usually produce pure Kona java beans. Basically, you won't find them as expensive as the true Kona made only from Hawaii.

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